Pre-Competition Fueling
1-2 hours before competition
Up to 200 Calories total, total Carbohydrate up to 50grams
and 10oz of water
Please choose one of the following bulleted options below.
Home-made fruit smoothie : 1 cup low fat yogurt and ½
cup berries
1 original power bar
1 cup of noodles + 1 tbsp parmesan cheese
½ peanut butter jelly sandwich
Kashi TLC-8oz sports drink
2 nature valley granola bars
Small box of raisins and 8 oz of sport drink
6 oz low fat fruited yogurt
Mini bagel + tbsp of jam
Apple + Mozzarella string cheese stick
1 packet
flavored oatmeal + 1 clemetine
1 packet cream of wheat + 1 cup non fat milk
15-30 minutes before competition: 100 Calories total 10oz of water (up to 25grams carbs)
½ cup applesauce
1 slice of toast + tsp jam
6inch banana
Wedge of cantaloupe
Handful of raisins 3 tbsp
1 clif kidz bar
1 nutrigrain bar
Gatorade prime
1 sports gel
2 fig bars
1 low fat granola bar
Immediately before up to 60 calories (up to 15 gram carbs)
Medium orange
1 cup melon
6 large jelly beans
½ sports gel
½ cup canned peaches, or fruit mix, or pinapple
8oz sports drink