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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Pre-Game Nutrition

Pre-Competition Fueling
1-2 hours before competition
Up to 200 Calories total, total Carbohydrate up to 50grams and 10oz of water  
Please choose one of the following bulleted options below.
·       Home-made fruit smoothie : 1 cup low fat yogurt and ½ cup berries
·       1 original power bar
·       1 cup of noodles + 1 tbsp parmesan cheese
·       ½ peanut butter jelly sandwich
·       Kashi TLC-8oz sports drink
·       2 nature valley granola bars
·       Small box of raisins and 8 oz of sport drink
·       6 oz low fat fruited yogurt
·       Mini bagel + tbsp of jam
·       Apple + Mozzarella string cheese stick
·       1  packet flavored oatmeal + 1 clemetine
·       1 packet cream of wheat + 1 cup non fat milk

15-30 minutes before competition:  100 Calories total 10oz of water (up to 25grams carbs)
·       ½ cup applesauce
·       1 slice of toast + tsp jam
·       6inch banana
·       Wedge of cantaloupe
·       Handful of raisins 3 tbsp
·       1 clif kidz bar
·       1 nutrigrain bar
·       Gatorade prime
·       1 sports gel
·       2 fig bars
·       1 low fat granola bar

Immediately before up to 60 calories (up to 15 gram carbs)
·       Medium orange
·       1 cup melon
·       6 large jelly beans
·       ½ sports gel
·       ½ cup canned peaches, or fruit mix, or pinapple
·       8oz sports drink

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Train like a Madman

Push the limit, take a chance, and go for it this New Year.  You will see a lot of individuals purchasing gym memberships, gun ho for the first month then abruptly stop going after week 2.  This is the usual scenario but how can you change this for yourself.  Body weight training in your living room can be your answer.  A proper cardio and nutrition program along with this core work out below is a great start to your new year.  Be sure to consult a physician before beginning any training program.

7 minute easy abdominal circuit:
Legs up 90 degree Crunch x 20
Butterfly crunch x 20
Leg up 90 degree reaches x 20
Straight leg dolphin kicks x 100
Leg pistons x 50
Bicycle crunch x 50
Front Plank hold- 4 minutes total
Hold out left arm 10 sec
Hold out right arm 10 sec
Hold up right foot 10 sec
Hold up left foot 10 sec
Hold Opposite Arm /leg 10 sec
Hold Opposite Arm/leg 10 sec
Side plank star hold 15 sec
Side plank star hold opposite side 15 sec
Spiderman x 2 each side
Push up to plank x 8
8 push ups

Special Thanks to Coach Holleran for designing this killer core workout